Hey everyone, this page is meant to be a short glimpse into my aspirations and my history. I hope over time it evolves into an interesting map of my career, but for now, it’s a short introduction for what’s to come 🎉
I’m currently a Software Engineering Manager with aspirations of one day transitioning into a CTO role. I started off back in Calgary, Canada, as a Fullstack Software Engineer with experience in NodeJS (Using Express), Kubernetes, Jenkins, React and a splash of mobile development. Over time thanks to COVID I was able to transition over to Vancouver for a couple years before life brought me over the pond to Edinburgh. Throughout this time I’ve been enjoying the challenges of moves, raising a pup, fitting some travelling in and layoffs. It’s been an exciting, disappointing, challenging, and rewarding time in my life and I’m looking forward to many more years to come! Feel free to follow and keep up to date on my LinkedIn and Github all found below.